PKN (Pertti Kurikan Nimipaivat), dont les membres vivent avec le syndrome de Down et l'autisme, a gagné sa place devant 16 autres concurents pour représenter la Finlande à l'événement annuel, qui se tiendra cette année à Vienne.
Leur chanson "Aina mut Pitää" "Tous les jour, je dois"
The Finnish punk band "Pertti Kurikan Minipäivät" whose members have learning disabilities represent their countries at the next Eurovision Song Contest in order to raise awareness about Down syndrome.
PKN (Pertti Kurikan Nimipaivat), whose members are living with Down syndrome and autism, has earned its place in front of 16 other competitors to represent Finland in the annual event, held this year in Vienna.
Your song "Aina mut Pitää" , "All day, I must"
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