JESC 2018
Eurovision Junior
LOGO 2018
Le slogan de cette année était le hashtag #LightUp.
Le logo du concours est basé autour d'une étoile du matin faite d'ondes sonores verticales inversées.
La source d'inspiration était le potentiel artistique et l'aspiration créative des jeunes participants qui remplissent la scène comme une star.
The slogan this year was the hashtag #LightUp.
The logo of the contest is based around a morning star made of vertically inverted soundwaves.
The source of inspiration was the artistic potential and creative aspiration of the young participants who fill the scene like a star.
Лозунг у гэтым годзе быў хэштэгу #LightUp.
Лагатып конкурсу грунтуюцца на ранішнюю зорку з вертыкальна перавернутых гукавых хваль.
Крыніца натхнення стаў мастацкім патэнцыялам і творчага імкненнем маладых удзельнікаў, якія запаўняюць сцэну, як зорка.
Le Blog "Décalé" de l'EUROVISION ICI, les articles sont ecrits selon mon humeur, ICI, on aime l'EUROVISION, mais on peux s'en moquer aussi. Bonne visite et Amusez-vous bien! Pour L'EUROVISION et pour le FUN..... The Blog "Offset" from the EUROVISION. HERE, articles are written based on my mood, Here, we love Eurovision, but we can laugh at them too. Enjoy your visit! For EUROVISION and for FUN.