dimanche 12 mars 2017

Eurovision 2016 - Islande - Iceland - Ísland

Eurovision 2016

L'islande a confirmé sa participation en août 2016.

Iceland confirmed its participation in august 2016.

Ísland hefur staðfest þátttöku sína í ágúst 2016.

L'Islande a parlé clairement! 
Svala sera la représentante de la nation au prochainConcours Eurovision 2017 avec la chanson "Paper".

Douze chansons ont lutté pour le billet à Kyiv, Finalement, un jury et les téléspectateurs à la maison ont Décidé du vainqueur.
La plus grande finale nationale jamais vu en Islande.

Iceland has spoken clearly! Svala will represent the island nation at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest with the song Paper. 

Twelve songs battled for the ticket to Kyiv, eventually a jury and viewers at home decided upon the winner of what may just have been the biggest national final Iceland has ever seen.

Ísland hefur talað skýrt! Svala mun fulltrúi hvert eyjunni þjóð í 2017 Eurovision með laginu Paper.

Tólf lög barist fyrir miða tvo Kyiv, loksins dómnefnd og áhorfendum heima ákvað á sigurvegara hvað gæti bara havebeen stærsta innlenda endanleg Ísland hefur nokkurn tíma séð.

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